Experts at Their Best

We Believe in Healthy Eating, Regular Workouts and Sound Sleep!

دودھ اور اس کی اقسام

غذا کی بات! آج کا موضوع: دودھ اور اس کی اقسام ۔۔۔دودھ کی افادیت ماہر غذائیات " پلوشہ مقصود " سے براہ راست سوال/جواب آج کی ریسپی: رول شوارما میزبان: فضہ عمران Shoaib Jadoon Nadir Chattha Chief Secretary Punjab

Posted by Punjab Food Authority on Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Hello Folks!

Need to set up your diet? No Worries

Dr. Palwasha is a Dietitian with 6 years of experience. You can book an in-person appointment or an online video consultation with Ms. Palwasha through

Ketogenic Diet Plan
Mediterranean Diet Plan
DASH Diet Plan
Vegan Diet Plan

Relationship With Food

We believe in fostering a healthy and positive relationship with food, where nourishment and enjoyment go hand in hand.

Daily To-Do Exercise

We encourage incorporating daily exercise into your routine, treating it as a form of self-care and an investment in your overall well-being.

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